LUCK and GRATITUDE were with the MHS students who attended After Prom 2024 . Who needs sleep when you can be out having fun! 

MPACT would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to our chaperones for making this happen; we appreciate you losing some sleep for us, our bus drivers, Josh and Reana, and especially our local and surrounding community business adding donations for helping MPACT fund this!  WE LOVE:

Pollington Machine Tool Inc, On Target Auto, Ritzema Family Dentistry, Knaggs Insurance, Dr. Pluger Chiropractic, Friends Thrift Store, Above & Beyond ScreenPrinting & More, Scheppers Insurance Agency, Flemming's Clothing, Shannanjac's Pizza, Christie's Potting Shed, Artist On Duty, LCM Engineering, M-Town Gym, Whispering Pines Escape LLC Massage Therapy, and Backwoods Realty.

We feel the small town love!After prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom studentsAfter prom students